Fleurieu Living Magazine is a glossy lifestyle publication that showcases the best of the Fleurieu Peninsula, including Kangaroo Island. It aims to seek out the most interesting people and places, and to highlight top-quality produce. It aims to inform through intelligent writing, and to inspire through beautiful photography. And our WINTER issue is on sale now.

Fleurieu Living Magazine is widely available throughout metropolitan Adelaide and the Fleurieu region in newsagents, wineries, restaurants, cafes and B&Bs. It is also available in Qantas Club Lounges across Australia! You can subscribe by using our online subscription service. You can now also purchase a digital subscription if you’d rather read each issue on your smartphone or tablet.
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Winter 2024 spread

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‘My father had an incredible ability to tell stories about everything,’ she says. ‘I think I’m probably like that. I’ve always got a story about something.’ Whether as a technical writer and editor for her corporate clients, or as a weaver, potter, reader and collector, stories shape all facets of Cathryn’s life. Most especially the home she shares with her husband Peter and their two sons as well as her latest venture – Free Range Books at the Fleurieu Arthouse.

And so it is with Liz and her family’s beach house, overlooking the popular surfing beach – old and new fit harmoniously together to create a calm and an ease. Silver-hued foliage in the garden blends with a colour scheme of muted greys, blues and whites inside the home, with large windows and glass bi-fold doors, giving the ocean centre-stage. ‘It changes all the time and throughout the seasons,’ Liz says, as we look out of the loungeroom window at the steelgrey sea, tipped with frothy white caps.

Our ‘Foreshore’ feature explores the mesmerising intersection of nature and art. The artists featured here seek to capture the serene beauty of South Australia’s coastlines. With palettes in hand and easels anchored on sandy shores, they embrace the raw beauty of their surroundings. From the rhythmic, cascading waves to the ever-changing hues of the horizon, each brushstroke beautifully captures the region’s rugged charm – translating its coastal allure into breathtaking works of art. We think you’ll love this Foreshore feature, for sure.

Entering Tony and Andrea List’s home through a large breezeway, we are treated to expansive views through floor-to-ceiling windows to the north. The space is warm and inviting. A natural stone fireplace in the main living room doubles as a feature wall in the alfresco dining area. The lofty ceilings to the right are highlighted by a ‘concrete look’ feature wall. The proportion and scale of everything feels right and in unison with the setting.

On what can only be described as a glorious autumnal day, guests are welcomed into Angove McLaren Vale Cellar Door by venue manager Brett Lanthois, and with a glass of wine or spirits in hand they are directed to select one of the coveted spots on the sundrenched deck. The changing colours in the adjacent vineyard are spectacular. An eye-catching dish makes its way from the kitchen to the relaxed dining area: two plump morsels resting on a bed of grape leaves, skewered by their stalks.

Alongside our exquisitely illustrated map showcasing the diverse natural wonders of the Fleurieu, including its lush National Parks, scenic bike trails, and inviting beachfronts, we’ve curated a selection of eat, play and stay options to complement and enhance your outdoor escapades. Discover businesses offering unique experiences to elevate your adventure amidst nature.